Career Advice

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female entrepreneurs discussing business in front of their laptop

Career Goals: How To Get From Blogger to Entrepreneur

Discover how to improve both your strong and weak points as a blogger and entrepreneur. This will help you take steps toward improving your career!

a woman smiling during sunrise

What Will Be Your Chosen ‘New Word for 2016’?

Explore the essence of 2016 through its defining word. Uncover the term that encapsulated the year’s spirit and significance.

nervous applicant in a panel interview

33 What Not to Say in a Performance Review and Key Things to Say for Career Advancement

Strategic Communication: LEVO’s Insights on What to Say During a Performance Review and Ideal Phrases to Use for Professional Impact.

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Best TEDx Talks: 5 Insights to Strike Up Conversations

Unearth strategies to initiate conversations effortlessly with these 5 TEDx Talks. Gain expert advice and practical insights on sparking engaging discussions.

woman working at her desk with a bookcase and blackboard behind her

Exploring 6 Crucial Questions for Your Business Proposal

Discover business plan questions pivotal for success! Explore six vital queries entrepreneurs consider, laying the groundwork for your project’s prosperity.

woman in a business suit talking to another man

6 How to Negotiate Skills Every Working Millennial Should Know to Boost Their Career – LEVO

If you want to get ahead at work, understanding how to negotiate is key. Check out our guide for the skills every young professional should have.

to do notebook with a get a raise note written on it

6 Essential Tips for Asking for a Raise: Expert Strategies for Getting the Raise You Deserve – LEVO

Seeking a salary increase? Follow these expert tips for asking for a raise and make a compelling case to your employer for the raise you deserve.

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The Truth About Being a Black Woman in Tech

Want to know the honest truth about being a black woman in tech? Our latest blog post dives into the challenges and triumphs of this unique community.

a woman having a handshake with a man who wears his business attire

5 Unexpected Places to Make Your Next Connection

Are you looking for new opportunities? Meet your next connection at the grocery store, on a walk, or when attending events in your community.

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