You did it! You made it through another year and into a new one. So, now what? It’s time to focus on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. That doesn’t mean changing everything about who you are – because let’s face it, you’re pretty great just as you are – but simply taking advantage of all the potentialities that exist within you. Here are some tips to help get you started on becoming an even better YOU in 2014! They could potentially change your life…

1. Play With an Animal

Playing with animals has been shown to reduce stress and make you happier, so if you have a pet, take some time to play with them. If you don’t have a pet of your own, consider borrowing a friend’s animal or volunteering at a local shelter.

2. Go Outside

Those days when it feels far too cold to go outside? Do it anyway. You’ll feel better after having gotten some fresh air.

3. Sleep More

The benefits of getting enough sleep are plenty. Our memory and creativity improve, and we even live longer!

4. Take Your Attire Up a Notch

If you want to get ahead in your career, consider upgrading your wardrobe. A few small changes can make a big impression on potential employers. For example, Invest in a couple of key pieces that will help you stand out from the competition. According to Highest Paying Careers, 65 percent of bosses say that what you’re wearing is one of the main deciding factors between two similar job candidates at an interview.

5. Unplug

For at least thirty minutes per day, disconnect from your electronic devices. This means no phone calls, text messaging, social media, or computer usage. It will be difficult to break this habit but we need to become less reliant on technology!

6. Smile

It has been proven by studies that smiling can improve your mood and help reduce pain.

7. Mentor Someone

If you think that your experience isn’t good enough to share with others, consider that you still know something that somebody else doesn’t. Your expertise could be really valuable to them.

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