Just like Boy Scouts, successful negotiators are always prepared. As performance review season arrives, it’s the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your skill in negotiation and ask for what you deserve. Let’s make this year about #ask4more!
Negotiation can be intimidating, awkward, and sometimes even avoided altogether. We all feel this way about negotiation conversations – especially when it comes to salary discussions. But the truth is these conversations are essential for career success! Alex Dickinson and Missy Lafferty of Ask For It recently co-hosted the webinar “How to Negotiate in Your Performance Review,” which imparted knowledge on:
1. Get ready for your upcoming performance review with these essential steps.
2. Learning how to approach and engage in a negotiation can be an incredibly valuable skill.
3. Take note of the influence gender has on negotiations and how to be mindful of it.
Watch the full webinar below:
Don’t miss out on viewing this eye-opening video – whether you anticipate an upcoming performance review or just want to become a better negotiator. Be sure to check to Ask For It for more helpful tips, available on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!