Feeling unconfident in your abilities? You can learn something new without struggling through student loans, applications, and studying by taking some time to read and explore.

We’ve compiled a list of eight free educational tools that cover many topics, including programming, entrepreneurship, entertainment, and the sciences. Explore these tools for online teaching to enhance your learning experience.

1. TED Talks

TED Talks are famous for their slogan, “Ideas worth spreading.” The organization focuses on sharing knowledge and fostering inspiration. Every year, TEDx events are held all over the planet to bring together influential figures in diverse fields to inspire attendees on subjects such as technology, entertainment, and design.

When the nonprofit first started in 1984, all of the talks were only available offline. But now, thanks to technological progression, you can easily access these same powerful learning tools online from anywhere in the world. These are some of the best new ideas and concepts that society has to offer currently, so it is one of the most intriguing places to gain knowledge and skillset expansion.

TED Talks are an excellent source of information and inspiration, usually sharing one big lesson in less than 30 minutes.

2. Khan Academy

When Bill Gates was first apprised of Salman Khan’s project in 2006, he knew immediately that it had the potential to revolutionize education. The world-famous Khan Academy started with humble beginnings. When the MIT and Harvard Business School graduate was tutoring his grade school cousin Nadia in basic math, he began filming YouTube videos of himself teaching so that she could learn even when he wasn’t physically present.

After these lectures went viral, Khan Academy was created to teach K-12 courses in science and mathematics using easy-to-relate real-world examples. It’s the second most popular online educational best tool for online teaching on the Internet because it doesn’t cost anything to watch. You don’t even have to create a YouTube account to see the content.

With thousands of lectures available, you can learn skills such as high-level mathematics, finance, accounting, and computer programming. By partnering with other revered universities and museums, Khan Academy has been able to branch out and teach several college-level topics. Why not give your brain a workout today by checking out their website?

3. Coursera

Coursera is an online platform that offers free education from some of the world’s most prestigious universities. The site is particularly well-known for its courses on computer programming skills, which have featured lessons from Google executives.

While it may be hard to believe, check out their comprehensive list of partners for yourself. Courses typically last around six to eight weeks and incorporate actual certificates of completion from universities. They’re taught by schools from across the globe in dozens of languages. Explore these exceptional teaching tools online to enhance your learning experience.

4. SkillShare

SkillShare is a great way to learn new skills online, especially with topics like DIY Audio Mixing from an actual DJ master, Young Guru. He has worked with some of the top talents in the music industry including Beyonce and Jay-Z.

SkillShare offers unique videos that practical skills, entrepreneurship courses, and modern skills. For example, the course “Launch Your Startup Idea for Less than 1K” helps students learn how to define a minimum viable product so they can start their own company affordably. Explore these exceptional tools for online teaching to enhance your learning experience

For $9.95 per month, SkillShare members have unlimited access to video lessons. Alternatively, non-members can pay for individual classes as they please.

5. SkilledUp

SkilledUp offers 103,000 courses that you can take at your convenience. Whether you want to learn a new skill or improve upon an existing one, SkilledUp is a great resource for finding and taking online courses. Among the 67,000 topics available for free are Google software tutorials and lessons on Javascript.

SkilledUp helps users find online courses by leading them all over the web to a vast network of registries. If you’re feeling curious, SkilledUp has a list of resources with hours’ worth of content on topics you may not have known existed. The Golden Rules of Entrepreneurship are essential for anyone in business. Explore these exceptional teaching tools online to enhance your learning experience.

6. Lynda.com

Online video tutorials are a great way to learn new skills on your own time. Lynda is one such place, with 2,372 courses available online. You can pause and continue based on your schedule to learn photography, computer programming, and software like Final Cut Pro using Lynda.com’s memberships.

Although it’s not free, you can get unlimited access to these videos for only $25 per month. If you want higher memberships with downloadable course materials and the ability to watch offline via your iPhone and iPad, Lynda is the perfect fit for you. Explore these exceptional best tools for online teaching to enhance your learning experience.

7. Open Culture

Open Culture is the best way to find free online courses from top universities. If you’re interested in subjects like art, programming, or physics, you can find hundreds of courses on Open Culture. Just scroll through the plain text headings and follow the links to get started!

If you’re looking for affordable, practical ways to learn new skills, look no further than Open Culture. We offer a wide range of online courses and resources that are easy to follow and won’t cost you a dime! Explore these exceptional best tools for online teaching to enhance your learning experience.

8. MIT OpenCourseWare

The most prestigious technical college in the world, MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts is offering courses to laymen for no cost on relevant topics.
OpenCourseWare is impressive because it not only provides access to virtually all of MIT’s in-person courses, but it makes them available to people all over the world. With OpenCourseWare, you can take classes in sustainable energy, medicine, and engineering from the comfort of your own home. Check it out for yourself: MIT OCW.

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