Last week I gave tips on how to make sure you’re prepared for your first day of work. This week, I want to focus on things to avoid doing if you want your co-workers and boss to take notice of you in a positive light.


Today is your first day on the job, which means it’s time to take in everything around you and get accustomed to your new surroundings. You’ll meet lots of people today, including your boss and the colleagues you’ll be seeing every day. You’ll also learn about the project you’ll be working on or your tasks in general. Therefore, you must pay attention and understand your responsibilities. Nobody expects you to learn everything from day one, but it would be helpful if you carried a notebook and wrote down key details. This way, whenever necessary, you can review notes and boost productivity

Showing a Know-It-All Attitude.

It’s okay to not know everything on your first day. Nobody is perfect, so accept that you will make mistakes and use this opportunity to learn from them. The office will be more receptive to you if you come in with questions instead of assuming that you know everything. Also, try not to criticize the company’s current way of doing things or offer new alternatives on your first day; wait until you have settled in and gained a better understanding of the business before offering any suggestions. Before proposing any new methods, you need to take the time to understand the current operations and digest all of the information. Additionally, nobody wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude, so make sure you keep that in mind.

Packing Lunch From Home.

It’s best to not bring lunch from home on your first day. If you must, try sitting with others instead of eating alone at your desk so you don’t come off as antisocial. Most of the time, you can expect to be asked out to lunch on your first day. So go ahead and mingle! Get to know some people. Just remember not to gossip over lunch, even if everyone else at the table is doing it. A little friendly conversation is all you need on day one.

Not Using Time Effectively.

If your manager assigns you a task to complete on your first day and tells you it needs to be done by the end of that same day, then finish it. Leaving a bad impression on your manager during your first days sets the tone for future interactions – not good. Plus, procrastinating until the last minute only adds unnecessary stress. Start working as soon as you’re hired, but if you get lost during the task, that’s okay. Ask for help and prepare questions to get clarification. Finally, do your best.

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