If you’ll be in Boston this Thursday, don’t miss out on the Kennedy School presentation at Harvard – Women-Led Firms and the Gender Gap in Top Executive Pay: Do Women Leaders Matter? The WAPPP group has produced an outstanding paper that proclaims women corporate leaders are associated with noteworthy positive outcomes for top female executives. Don’t miss your chance to hear about their findings firsthand!
The National Law Journal and Careerist recently released a scathing report elucidating the massive disparities between men and women in corporate law. From pay to equity gaps, it’s clear that female attorneys must continually face an array of infuriating impediments if they wish to succeed in this field.
Exciting news! Women are now a third of all millionaires in China, and as a result, female bodyguards have become increasingly popular. I would love to have one myself – any woman who can defend me whilst wearing high heels deserves my utmost respect!
Recently, an advertisement in Brazil was prohibited due to it exploiting and commodifying women. At our organization, we are resolutely opposed to the commercialization of human beings in any context. However, to get even deeper into the ad’s message: Helen Fisher concluded that men often have similar brain activity when viewing scantily-clad women as they do when looking at a set of power tools. This showcases how we commodify sex appeal in our society – which is certainly not something to be celebrated. But here is where it gets amusing; Scientific American and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that WOMEN behave precisely the same way!
Mississippi Rejects “Personhood” Amendment: Last Tuesday, the citizens of Mississippi fiercely turned down Initiative 26 – a proposal that would have characterized life as beginning “from the moment of fertilization,” thereby making abortion and numerous forms of contraception outlawed. Though its supporters promised to attempt passing this initiative in 5 more states next year, Kirsten Gillibrand is advocating for an appeal against these measures.
US Census: Half of the working women don’t receive paid maternity benefits: Disturbingly, during a period of financial hardship employers are becoming more selective over granting maternity leave. A US Census Bureau analysis recently released illustrated that only half of first-time mothers were eligible for paid benefits. What’s even worse is the fact that women have been working later and later into their pregnancies; 88% worked in the last trimester while 65% kept going right up until the final month!
Largest World Women in Computing Conference: Last week in Portland, Oregon saw the 11th annual Grace Hopper Celebration – the world’s largest celebration of women and computing. Despite a mere 20% of bachelor’s degrees in computer science going to women, GH has made it its mission to highlight female innovation and success within the industry, academia, and government sectors. The keynote speech was conducted by Sheryl Sandberg herself!