Although it may be your dream job, moving to a new city can be complicated and nerve-wracking. So you’ve got the perfect job, your dream role, and a hefty paycheck–sounds like things couldn’t get much better! There are many factors to consider before moving to a new city for a job, as it is not just one big change, but many.

I learned all of this and more when I found myself in a similar situation about two years ago. At that time, I had applied for jobs at several different internet companies but was turned down for the roles I wanted. With only a few years of experience, I decided to expand my job search and explore opportunities outside of my comfort zone. This led me to consider relocating for job to broaden my horizons. Almost immediately, I had an amazing job offer from a great company. Even though the role was excellent, I knew that it would come with some compromises, namely in my relationships and comfort levels.

Though it took some time, making the transition was possible with optimism and by following these key pointers.

1. Move to a New City and Start Afresh!

You can get to know a city better by reading travel blogs about it before you move for job there. Traveling to new places offers you the chance to learn about different cultures and lifestyles. You can find out about a culture’s customs, food, music, and popular attractions from somebody who is living there. Learning the ins and outs of a new city can be tough, but there are plenty of helpful mobile apps to make it easier. With these by your side, you’ll be familiarizing yourself with your new surroundings in no time.

2. Increasing the Size of Your Social Network

If you don’t have a supportive network in a new city, it can be really scary at first. I started by joining meet-ups and interest groups that shared my passions, and then slowly began meeting more people from there. I have multiple business and social networks across two cities, which makes me feel more connected.

3. Promoting Your Professional Development

While we’re making the effort to relocate for a dream job, it’s important to check that the role you’ve accepted has a good projected career path. It’s also important to keep in mind the other opportunities available in the market you’re considering. Moving from one metro city to another will give you those options and more while moving to a smaller city might limit such opportunities to perhaps a single industry. Make sure the choice you make is sustainable if you plan to stay there for a long period.

4. Taking the Leap

The change can be difficult to accept at first, making you realize all that you’re leaving behind- your friends, family, and pets. The more distance you feel from home, the more visits you’ll need to make. In these cases, Facebook and Skype can act as a lifeline. I was lucky that my move was only six hours away from home, and the continuous visits back and forth have made me very knowledgeable in understanding how the Indian Railway system works!

Though it’s tough to leave the familiarity of home, don’t pass up good opportunities just because you’re afraid of change. It has been said that ‘travel broadens the mind and lengthens the conversation; you never know where this opportunity will take you next.’

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