We can all relate to that moment when we desperately try to focus, yet our mind leads us towards tasks that only delay progress. It’s the middle of the afternoon and no matter how much stuff you have on your plate, you just find yourself avoiding it. We all inevitably reach for our phones to peruse Facebook and Instagram or watch some of the World Cup games on repeat. Perhaps even taking a few moments to explore what is happening around us through the inner webs. That said, why not take this precious time and make it count?

If you want to increase your productivity, then it’s no secret that social media won’t be of much help. But there are plenty of other ways to boost your workday motivation! Here is a list of four great tactics for upping your workplace efficiency and achieving success:

1. Keep yourself occupied with meaningful tasks!

Even though we often grumble about the monotonous duties that occupy our time, a recent survey conducted by the University of California, Irvine revealed an unexpected outcome: completing mundane tasks brings us joy! We can all benefit from a sense of achievement, and this feeling will help us get through the day. With up to 4 employees being easily distracted at any given time in the workplace, we must leverage every possible resource available.

Next time you struggle to concentrate, try tackling the emails that have been piling up, filing paperwork away neatly, or any other task that doesn’t need a lot of mental energy. Before long you’ll be ready to embark on another stimulating project!

Studies have been conducted and the results are clear: having a cocktail or two can help stimulate your mind, allowing it to relax enough for those creative breakthroughs. It’s easy to overthink things when trying too hard; that’s why letting yourself unwind with an alcoholic beverage has become known as the key ingredient for achieving true epiphanies! Feeling relaxed can be a big help when it comes to being creative and coming up with great ideas. So why not plan your next brainstorming session after lunch, and let the beer hops and tannins fuel you toward that million-dollar idea?

3. Take a moment to check your Facebook feed!

A recent survey conducted by Ipsos and Microsoft concluded that 46% of respondents cited increased productivity due to social media usage at work – because it supports collaboration, enables communication with peers, and provides a platform for sharing job-related content. Even in companies where the use of social media is not encouraged by management, 37% still believe that its inclusion would result in greater efficiency.

Finding a balance between using social media for pleasure and business can make all the difference. While 2 hours of scrolling through old classmates’ posts won’t do much to foster productivity, dedicating just a few minutes each day to scanning industry-related tweets or monitoring competitors on Facebook can truly boost your professional growth.

4. Maximize the potential of the Internet.

While sites like Buzzfeed, Reddit, and Thought Catalog are great for entertainment, there are other websites out there with the potential to help us organize our lives and cut down on time spent trying to determine which imaginary object best epitomizes ourselves or what some random person found in their Wendy’s salad. Are you struggling to stay focused when checking online? Cold Turkey is a useful website that can help. It will temporarily restrict access to other sites, ensuring that distractions are kept at bay and productivity remains high!

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of emails in your inbox? Worry not, Unroll Me is here to help. This organizational tool allows you to manage all the things that you have subscribed for – be it newsletters or updates – and summarize them into one convenient email so no need for any more headaches! For those who feel anxious about checking their emails, Unroll Me has got your back!

How do you maximize your daily productivity? What strategies have failed to be effective for you?

Photo: Thinkstock

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