Get ready to kickstart your workweek with the help of Levo’s #MotivationChallenge! Every week, we provide quotes that will motivate you and keep you on track. Here’s how it works:

Of the four beautiful quotes, we have chosen from our Pinterest board, which one resonates with you? We can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Cast your vote now and we’ll reveal the winner one week from today. All of these quotes come from our powerful Pinterest quote board that is now accessible for Levo’s community to pin inspiring content! So don’t wait, help us decide who will be the ultimate victor by voting below! Participate in our #MondayMotivation quote challenge and get the chance to be featured on our page! After we announce your winning submission, a link will direct you to your Levo profile. If you don’t have one yet, now is the time – why wait any longer? Create an account today so that you can take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

We invite you to join our inspiring Pinterest quote board! All that’s required is for you to email with the email address associated with your Pinterest account, as well as its URL. Let’s get creative—we look forward to seeing which quotes you add!

[Related: 43 Motivational Quotes From Powerhouse Women]

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