As the end of the week approaches, you may be feeling antsy to escape from work. Whether it’s a night out on the town, an exciting journey away, or just some cozy moments with your sweetheart, we want to give you that extra bit of motivation needed to finish off this day strong! Take a journey through the slides above and discover some of our most beloved inspirational quotes from prominent leaders.

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Quote " The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power you just take it" - Rosanne Barr
Quote " The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating neurotic, and a terrible waste of time." -Edwin Bliss
Quote "Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it when with use." - Ruth Gordon
Quote " We're ere to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why ese even be here?" - Steve Jobs
Quote " Never Underestimate the power of a woman". -Nellie McClung
Quote "The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me." - Ayn Rand
Quote " A woman is like a tea bag: You cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." - Nancy Reagan
Quote " Remember no one can make you fell inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Quote "You may be disappointed if you fall but you are doomed if you don't try." - Beverly Sills
Quote "What life before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. and when you bring what is within out into the world. miracles happen." - Henry David Thoreau
Quote "We can't become what we need to be by remaining what are." - Oprah winfrey
Quote " a flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. it just blooms." - zen shin talks

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