Do you ever find yourself anxious? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s society, we are constantly juggling work obligations and personal goals while also trying to meet the expectations of others. It’s no wonder that anxiety has become a commonplace emotion that we simply try to cope with daily. Although it’s common to feel burdened by our anxieties, we don’t have to suffer in silence. I’ve found that these tips help me regain my composure and peace of mind when I’m feeling uneasy.
1. Distance Yourself From “Toxic” People and Solidify Your Support Group.
The people you spend the most time with will likely have some influence over your mental state. If, after spending time around certain individuals or groups, you find yourself feeling more worried, tired, depressed, or anxious—take notice and try to limit your exposure if possible. The people you choose to allow into your life will have a major impact on how you feel about yourself. If they make you happy and fulfilled, it’ll be easier to ward off anxiety.
2. Take a “Stay-Cation” if You Can’t Vacation.
With weekend getaways, you don’t have to be anxious about losing your luggage, wasting money on an overpriced ticket, or spending hours waiting in a stuffy airport. By giving yourself permission to relax at home and go to your “happy place,” you can ease tension and clear your mind of the 100 thoughts per minute that usually race through it. If you can’t find an entire weekend to devote to destressing, immerse yourself in activities you love for a few minutes instead. This can be something as simple as reading an interesting book, dancing around your room to your favorite songs, or singing in the shower. A short break is often all it takes to gain some perspective and ease anxiety.
[Related: Why You Should Take a Stay-Cation.]
3. The Power of Humor Should Never Be Underestimated.
If you find yourself obsessing over worry or anxiety, take a step back and ask yourself if it’s worth your time and energy. If not, try to see the lighter side of things. When you allow laughing and relaxation into your life, you free yourself from expecting perfectionism which makes way for less space occupied by anxious thoughts.
4. Embrace Your Fears and They Will No Longer Control You.
Oftentimes, anxiety is accompanied by a debilitating fear of failure or uncertainty. Rather than fleeing from the things that make us anxious, we should confront them head-on. As Gail Fanaro explains, “Once you can know the impact of failing on your life, then the fear becomes very manageable.” When we face our fears, sometimes we realize that they were never actually as bad as we thought. This can help us to feel less anxious in general, rather than feeling paralyzed by anxiety every time a specific situation comes up.
5. Get Enough Sleep, Fuel Your Body, and Break a Sweat.
Studies show that living a healthy lifestyle can help reduce anxiety. Keep in mind that taking care of your body is not selfish or self-indulgent; it’s essential for your well-being. Taking care of your physical well-being will in turn make you more energetic and productive. Your body and mind will be better equipped to handle day-to-day stressors when you are physically healthy.
[Related: 11 Differences Between Busy People and Productive People – LEVO]
6. Focus on the Present.
Particularly when we cannot do anything about a situation, worrying and stressing does nothing but rob us of time and energy. Anxiety usually arrives from either replaying past events or thinking too far into the future. If you find yourself feeling anxious, remind yourself that these emotions come from outside of the present moment. Keep your mind in the present moment by saying a mantra to yourself (it doesn’t have to be difficult). For example, focus on the thought, “I am here, and I am okay.”
7. Be Proud of Your Ability to Adapt.
It is crucial to be mentally flexible if you want to get over anxiety. It can seem appealing to control every aspect of our lives tightly when we’re scared of the unfamiliar, but this only leads to discouragement when things don’t go perfectly according to plan. Choose to give yourself frequent breaks, and learn to go with the flow rather than stressing over insignificant details.
8. Boost Your Mood by Reading an Inspirational Book.
Everyone experiences anxiety at some point- even the most prudent and intelligent people. Rather than being a sign of personal weakness, seeking self-help is an act of strength. Books such as Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, Brett Blumenthal’s A Whole New You: Six Steps to Ignite Change for Your Best Life, and Christine Hassler’s Twenty Something, Twenty Everything reminds you that you are not alone in your experiences and can provide a sense of peace.
How do you stay calm under pressure? Let us know in the comments below!
Balance anxiety with work by learning from Maggy Frances Shultz, Founder of Maggy Francis. She gives tips on how to manage stress while maintaining a successful career in fashion!