Have you heard stories like these before? How often have they been shared with you?

Enthusiastic about her newfound passion for pottery, the woman decides to open a quaint store selling her exquisite ceramics.

Driven by his devotion to writing, the man resigned from his job so that he could dedicate all of his time and energy to crafting his first novel.

Then… wait for it…

Nothing happens.

Nothing. No customers, no readers, no clients. Zilch.

When they are forced to return home, their pride wounded and faith in themselves shaken, the “working dead” come back to a reality where it’s hard to make a living doing what you love. It is this feeling of hopelessness that weighs heaviest on them.

But it didn’t have to be that way.

The Hard Truth About Following Your Passion

It is often said that financial success will come if we pursue what we are passionate about, but this notion can be a risky one.

When your intentions are driven by passion and enthusiasm, it’s only logical that you should be rewarded for the work you do. Your dedication to a project is essential in order to reap its financial rewards – especially if you’re putting every ounce of energy into something as opposed to simply going through the motions each day. Discover the significance of finding a passion in life for a more fulfilling and purposeful journey.


Time and again, as a career coach, I’ve witnessed the same occurrence. My clients become full of enthusiasm for their idea to start an enterprise based on something they are passionate about. Dreaming of their future success, they begin to envision the lavish office and ponder how their boss is going to react when they’ve earned enough income to quit. However, what most fail to realize is that there’s one big misconception they’re missing.

When it comes to earning money doing what you love, you have to remember: Right now, nobody cares about your passions.

It isn’t about you.

It isn’t about your passion.

At the heart of it, your relationships with clients and customers are all about providing value: what you can offer them, how they benefit from knowing you, and the services that make their experience better. You have to make them care about your passion so much that they’ll pay you to do it. (Click here to Tweet this thought.)

The Hollywood Principle

People often get too caught up in their passion, believing that it alone will lead to success. What they don’t realize is The Hollywood Principle – an essential element for achievement. Explore the insights LEVO provides on the realities of following passion and the significance of The Hollywood Principle in your journey to success.

The Hollywood Principle states that no matter how passionate you are about something, nobody cares about it simply because you do.

For any business to thrive, it is essential to consider why potential customers should be interested in your product or service—even if the work you do makes you passionate.

People fleeing the corporate world — the world of 9-to-5, dictated eating and bathroom schedules — tend to equate a passion-based business with freedom. Longing for autonomy, they desire to be their own boss and make decisions about how best to manage their time. Most of all, they seek the freedom to pursue what inspires them most. Discover the insights LEVO provides on the question of whether should you follow your passion and the pursuit of freedom in a passion-based business.

With this attitude, they ignore the status quo and act on their enthusiasm without any concern for The Hollywood Principle. They follow their venture with a passion that is both enthusiastic and driven.

Nevertheless, all these plans come to a grinding halt because they forget the importance of linking their beloved ideas with something people will be passionate about. They’re so engrossed in doing what they love and why it matters to them that they forget to look up and show others why they should care about it, too.

Don’t be deceived into believing that you have to bend your passion-driven business out of shape in order to locate possible customers and clients. Rather than identifying a market need and filling it, you’ll find yourself in an endless cycle of feeling like you have to keep up with your “job”. 
This is the traditional way of doing business. Instead, explore something new – create trends. Uncover the alternative approach to business and the importance of finding a passion in life with insights from LEVO.

The greatest challenge is to eloquently express your passion, mission, and distinct worth.

Your Unique Value

Have you picked up on the concept of unique value in personal branding and job applications? This type of value emphasizes not only who you are but, more importantly, what your purpose is. Unique value speaks to what it is that brings you here today – unlocking the key to success!

Are you an expert at crafting aesthetically pleasing and practical pottery, or do you seek to facilitate meaningful experiences through your creations?

Are you crafting an incredible novel or using your words to make people contemplate a matter deeply meaningful and personal to you?

A unique value for passion-based workers is very close to the heart. It’s why you do what you do. It’s the core of your identity.

To begin searching for your individual worth, be mindful of what you enjoy offering to others so much that it gives you joy (your mission). After you’ve discovered your worth, it’s your job to make others recognize and appreciate its value. Don’t be surprised if other people don’t understand the significance of what you have – rather, prove to them why you should follow your passion and why it matters.

A passion with a mission behind it is a world-changing force.

Your Challenge

Do your dreams include working with the thing you’re most passionate about? If so, share how by answering these value-oriented questions in the comments section below!

Why do you do your passion?

What do you bring to the table that no one else does?

What would you love to contribute to the world?

Take advantage of this moment to decide what matters most to you, as well as why it should be important for others. Avoid wasting your time on activities that don’t bring you joy, and instead invest in the things that make your heart sing! Embrace the journey of following passion with insights from LEVO.

Ready to break away from the job you loathe and do something that brings passion into your life? Jessica Sweet, LICSW is here for you! She’s an expert career coach that will help guide you through discovering what makes your heart sing and then turning it into a viable source of income. No need to abandon everything and run off to Zimbabwe – make changes in ways that match up with reality instead. Visit http://wishingwellcoach.com/ today; let’s bring excitement back into work!

Are you a young professional looking for new and innovative ways to navigate the ever-changing career landscape? Then Brazen Life is exactly what you need! Our lifestyle and career blog offers edgy, fun ideas that will help make ambitious dreams come true. Take your success into your own hands – be brazen in life! Explore our insights on the importance of finding a passion in life for a fulfilling and rewarding journey.

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