Has Homeland piqued your interest in security careers and opportunities?
As we mark “Women in Politics” week here at Levo, it’s only fitting that we share tips for those aspiring to work in the field of international affairs and security. Sure, watching Homeland can provide a great deal of entertainment – after all, it is a popular show – however, there are tangible strategies you can use to deepen your knowledge in this area and land potential opportunities. Here are five top-notch tactics that will help you break into the realm of global relations!
Track relevant websites and career resources for internships and job postings.
Need a job within the Homeland and Zero Dark Thirty organizations? The USAjobs.gov website, CIA.gov site, or a number of other non-government sites are your best bet! With USAjobs alone you can search for positions ranging from State Department roles to those at the Pentagon or Department of Homeland Security—it’s that comprehensive! Furthermore, just like on its own website, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has all sorts of postings available too—so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to join one of these highly acclaimed organizations today! Women in International Security is a valuable asset and you can even sign up for their jobs hotline newsletter. Plus, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Association, and Brad Traverse offer numerous engaging career openings and activities to explore. If you are still studying at college or postgrad level, why not visit your career center? Office campus visits are an excellent way of meeting with recruiters from different government departments- potentially setting yourself apart by being chosen for an on-campus interview!
Immerse yourself in your areas of interest and develop your own knowledge and skills outside the classroom.
Developing an understanding of global affairs and international security is a never-ending process that goes beyond the classroom. Keeping up with current events through news outlets is just the beginning; there are countless resources containing interviews, articles, and reports on matters such as Iran’s sanctions, women in Africa, or Syria’s chemical weapons available at your fingertips. A great place to start exploring these topics would be think-tank websites! If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of international think tanks, ThinkTanks.fpri.org is the place to go! In the United States alone, there are plenty that specializes in foreign affairs and security such as New America Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), American Enterprise Institute (AEI), RAND Corporation, Center for New American Security (CNAS), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace., US Institute of Peace & Institute for Study of War(ISW). Check them out today!
In order to gain further insight into international security, readers should look into resources such as The Journal of International Security Affairs and other print publications including The Atlantic and Foreign Policy Magazine. Additionally, online blogs like Wired Magazine’s Danger Room or CNN’s Security Clearance provide great content on foreign affairs.
To wrap up, Twitter is a great resource for staying informed on the latest from policymakers, journalists, academics, and more. In an effort to amplify female voices in the field of foreign policy, Foreign Policy Magazine put together two lists for users to follow—the first containing 100 people worth following (dominated by men) and then another list featuring accomplished women working in this space.
Don’t count yourself out just because you aren’t a Middle East expert or didn’t take advanced seminars on warfare — careers in national security and foreign affairs encompass a wide range of expertise and majors.
While Carrie and Quinn may specialize in covert operations and pursuing terrorists, careers in international relations and national security comprise far more than those areas. You don’t have to be a cryptography major or zealously study warfare; many majors are useful here – political science, economics, psychology, foreign languages, engineering, computer science, regional studies, and sociology amongst them. If you pursue postgraduate qualifications related to global affairs or safety then it will always come as an advantage! For those captivated by the field of foreign policy and national security, various career options are available. Aspiring professionals may pursue employment with government departments or explore other avenues such as journalism, academia, and think-tanks – even joining a private sector firm!
Networking, mentorship, and taking initiative are crucial.
To gain expertise and uncover bountiful opportunities in any field, networking and mentorship are essential. Professors, work colleagues, peers — even friends can serve as formal or casual mentors while you move forward with your career. Building meaningful relationships with people in your industry is an essential step to furthering your career. Whether you decide to connect over coffee, speak to someone who shares similar skills and interests as yourself, or attend a networking event – all of these options provide invaluable opportunities for growth.
Networking and mentorship are essential for achieving success on multiple levels: intellectually, motivationally, and functionally. By engaging with various minds in the same field, your knowledge is enhanced while you acquire new insights to broaden your thinking and diversify your perspective. Mentors essentially develop your intellect by inspiring curiosity which results in more learning opportunities. Secondly, networking and mentorship are incredibly inspiring. Being able to collaborate with other professionals in your industry whose work you revere can be encouraging for your own endeavors and professional route. Networking and mentorship is a critical part of career advancement, as it allows you to gain insight into new opportunities or provides assistance in your personal journey. Moreover, taking the initiative to express interest in various roles or volunteer for writing assignments can be incredibly beneficial; not only are these activities great ways to expand your knowledge and skillset – but they also give you valuable experience that will help further your career!
Focus on developing your own independent voice.
If you are passionate about international security and foreign policy, developing your expertise is not enough. You must also cultivate your own beliefs and convictions on the issues that matter most to you – why do they invoke such a strong reaction? At its core, national security and world affairs revolve around finding solutions to problems in our global community. What themes stand out as priorities for you? How should we go about resolving them effectively? Are there any pressing matters that remain overlooked by current initiatives? It is not enough to simply possess the knowledge and comprehend the topics at hand. Don’t be hesitant to make your voice heard regarding current issues; there are many avenues you can take, whether that’s establishing a blog, publishing articles or editorials, joining social media platforms like Twitter, or just jotting down thoughts in a journal. Regardless of if you’re eager for a career in journalism, government service, or research academia – ensure that your opinions on pressing matters are out there!
Are you interested in national security because of shows like Homeland? Let us know in the comments!