Maintaining a better work-life balance is key to taking full advantage of your time, both while you’re working and when you’re not. Achieving a better work-life balance is essential to maximizing and enjoying your time both in and out of the office. The HSE reports that in 2013-14, 39% of all work-related illnesses were due to stress, depression, or anxiety at work. This can lead to early burnout for those of us who have careers. Let’s strive for a better work-life balance next year by following these seven steps.

1. Enjoy the Little Things.

Creating a work-life balance starts with recognizing the importance of both your job and your personal life. You may use your lunch break to unwind, relax, and get some work done. It’s a wonderful way to start the week right. We at Your Coffee Break enjoy our favorite cup of coffee to begin the week. Kickstart your week by doing something you enjoy today. Whether it’s grabbing drinks with friends or seeing a new movie, Monday doesn’t have to be mundane. Rather, use this day as a chance to mix things up and add some spice mid-week.

2. Manage Your Time Well at Work.

We often forget the purpose of a task when we’re trying to multitask and get everything done at once. Helen Taylor, head of Human Resources at the Instant Group, knows how important it is to manage your time wisely and take breaks when you need them. “We can often get caught up in low-priority ‘easy’ tasks, but using our best hours for the most important tasks does make a difference.” Taking some time to regroup and reflect might assist you in managing your time, which is crucial to achieving work-life balance.

3. Know When To Stop.

We can never completely finish our work because there is always something more that could be done. Whether it’s making a phone call, helping out a client, or striving for perfection on a project, we must keep moving forward. Many people who work 9-to-5 jobs think that working until 8 or 9 p.m. is a good thing, but it doesn’t actually accomplish anything in the end. It’s also not very helpful for achieving a work-life balance. Compare the amount of work you’re doing to the quality of work being paid for. If you feel overwhelmed, it may be time to re-evaluate. Many workers are overworking for their employers or customers, so break down each day’s tasks into manageable pieces rather than attempting to complete a long list of diverse activities.

4. Acknowledge Your Achievements.

When something negative happens, it’s easy to become preoccupied with it and lose track of the progress we’ve made. Instead of zeroing in on the negatives, try to remember all the positive accomplishments you’ve made. Put your energy into what you do best, the goals you’ve achieved, and the clients you’ve pleased. Praise others for their accomplishments as well, which is an excellent technique to boost staff morale! Take pride in what you accomplish. Tell your employer about your accomplishments. That is what matters most. Keep in mind that no one is flawless.

5. Disconnect When You’re off the Clock.

It is worth noting, however, that this concept may not always be feasible. Any effort to disconnect from work while you’re away might aid in work-life balance. In this world filled with technology, it is easy to feel like we are always connected and available. But there is a great tool that can help us disconnect when we need to: it’s called “settings.” So if you need to take a break from email or stop notifications from your phone, resist the urge to answer calls after certain hours, do so. You’ll be glad you did. It’s a little like a filthy sink. If you keep shampooing everyone’s glasses, they’ll continue to leave dirty dishes behind. Take actions that are most appropriate for you to disconnect and decompress.

6. Use Your Vacation Days.

Although this may seem like common sense, you’d be surprised how many people don’t take the time to relax and de-stress outside of work. Taking time off from work is as important as time management since it keeps you alert. No one can maintain a high level of activity for an extended period of time. Taking frequent rests, as well as the odd long weekend, is critical to keeping one’s energy and concentration up.

7. Get With the Times.

Companies are now more understanding of the benefits of a work-life balance for their employees and are doing what they can to help them achieve it. Employees in the United Kingdom have the right to ask their employers to modify their schedules to meet their demands. This may include options such as working from home, staggering hours, and the like.

At the end of the day, it’s all about what you make of it. We can love our work or be dissatisfied (hopefully the former), but it will always remain a job in the end. So go ahead and do what makes you happy. The world could use more people who’ve discovered that life is better after 5 p.m.

This post originally appeared on

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