There’s a life hack for just about everything in our working lives today. We enjoy an easy solution, but in all honesty (as you are aware) it’s better planning that results in the most productivity. We asked our friends at Homepolish, the startup that’s revolutionizing home design one inexpensive, beautiful space at a time–for their ideas on creating a useful and attractive workplace. Take a look at their creative work desk ideas to enhance your current setup.

1. Designate a Legitimate Work Zone.

If you’re still working from your sofa or even your bed, it’s time to stop! Give yourself a designated workspace. You’re officially in work mode when you sit down at this new desk and turn on your computer/open your notebook/insert paper in your typewriter (hey, whatever works). We find that creating designated areas for distinct “rooms” in a small house makes the area feel more focused. Even if your office is in your living room, you may establish a workstation area that’s solely for working and help you transition from half-asleep mode to sitting-at-your-desk productive mode.

designed and arranged room for workstation
Photo: Tessa Neustadt; Design: Haley Weidenbaum for Homepolish

2. Put Your Desk in Front of a Window.

Another good productivity trick is to get natural light. If possible, place your workstation before a window and soak in the sunshine while working hard on whatever it is that makes money. Every now and then, take a pause and gaze out of the window. 

simple workstation comprised of laptop, table, and white chair
Photo: Tessa Neustadt; Design: Orlando Soria for Homepolish

3. Plants!

Get some fresh air into your workspace with the low-maintenance alternatives to our little green friends. Plants provide depth, color, and actual health benefits to a room. They’re both lovely and useful! If you placed your succulents near a window as we advised, then they should be doing well! If not, don’t worry–we compiled more green thumb tips in the Homepolish Magazine.

aesthetic white room for workstation place
Photo: Tessa Neustadt; Design: Haley Weidenbaum for Homepolish

4. Get Organized.

Have you ever tallied how much time you waste looking for stuff around your workstation? If you have, then you’re probably already aware of how ineffective this method is. If you haven’t, believe us when we say that spending that time doing something constructive (like sending an email that you hastily wrote on a post-it note tucked under forty other things) will be beneficial to your productivity. Having organization tools that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional is crucial. If you don’t have a lot of space, take advantage of wall-hanging storage solutions. Place the items you use most often within easy reach, and store the rest out of the way.

an office workstation with multiple computers
Photo: Claire Esparros; Design: Shelly Lynch-Sparks

5. Consider Color.

If you can’t write anything while listening to songs with lyrics (like our editor), then you probably want a workspace that has a calm and neutral palette. Need an afternoon energy boost? Add some brightness to your workspace with colorful accessories or even paint one wall a bold color. Blue is a soothing color that conveys trust and stability. Complementary blue and orange stimulate productivity, while pastels are vibrant without being too loud to give a space just the right amount of zip.

a table and chair in front of a wall with a hanging poster

6. Let There Be Light!

Working in the dark isn’t particularly productive, but not all of us are so fortunate to have excellent overhead lighting. Purchase an inexpensive, yet charming desk lamp if you can (if you have to). Ikea and Urban Outfitters have some great choices. Turn down the brightness on your computer so you can enjoy the glow of that 60-watt incandescent light bulb (or 5 watts LED if you’re conserving energy!)

small area for home workstation
Photo: Zeke Ruelas; Design: Orlando Soria for Homepolish

With all these tips, it’s time to get started! The task is only difficult if you make it that way.

[Related: 10 Productivity Hacks for Millennials Who Work From Home]

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