Do you find yourself becoming increasingly irritated by the number of emails in your inbox? Do you frequently have dozens of open tabs on your browser to keep track of all the newsletters and articles you’ll read later? Do you change phones, Moleskins, laptops, tablets…and back?

There is simply no way to consume all of the available data in a reasonable amount of time. On a daily basis, keeping up with reading and responding to emails can be overwhelming owing to the amount of information accessible at our fingertips and the presence of FOMO.

Here are the five best ways to organize emails to help you manage your inbox more effectively.

1. Rapportive

What: Having all of your contact information readily available and organized in your email.

Available: You can download this app on Google Chrome!

Cost: There is no cost to download the developer preview.

Rapportive takes client relationship management to a new level. Consider starting a brand new email message and writing a sales pitch for a fresh client. Imagine if you had all the information about your recipient at your fingertips as you were typing it.

What if you could see their photo, access their social media accounts, and take personal notes–all in one place? Before you send your next email, take some time to review their latest tweets and job changes on LinkedIn. This will help strengthen your relationship with them.

2. Pocket

What: Easily save emails and articles to read at a later time on your phone or browser.

Available: On all smartphones and browsers, including iPhone and Android

Cost: No charge!

If you’re a fan of emails that you’d want to read later, Pocket is the app for you. The next time you come across something lengthy that you want to read but don’t have the time for, save it using Pocket so you can access it later from your phone or browser. Simply open up the Pocket software and view all of your saved items in a neat list when you have time to read.

Pocket is an app that allows you to save online articles and videos to view later. It’s similar to a Pinterest button and very easy to use once it’s downloaded. Although it was formerly known as Read it Later, Pocket’s functionality and user experience have seen marked improvement. Now, you can even save videos and links directly from apps like Twitter and Flipboard.

3. Unroll Me

What: You will roll all of your multiple subscription emails into one message.

Available: As an email subscription

Cost: Free

You’re probably on the receiving end of industry news, newsletters, and updates throughout the day via your email. Unroll Me prevents you from being sidetracked by a new message every five minutes. What if your subscription emails were all sent to one single email? You may be thinking this sounds too good to be true, but I assure you this tool really does exist!

Choose which emails you’d like to combine and choose whether you want them delivered in the morning, during the day, or at night. The app does a fantastic job of displaying all subscription emails in an easy-to-understand grid or list format, and there’s even an option to add all new subscriptions to your Rollup automatically.

4. Boomerang

What: Set a reminder for later to send your emails

Available: Gmail

Cost: First 10 messages free, $4.99 for unlimited personal use, and $14.99 for unlimited business use

You’ve probably saved it in your drafts and made a mental note to send it at 9 a.m. if you’ve ever sent an email to your employer at 9 p.m. but really wanted to send it at 9 a.m.Perhaps you produce email pitches a week in advance as a public relations professional. Boomerang enables you to write emails and schedule them to send at a future date. This tool is the perfect solution for people who work in different time zones, or for those who want to schedule their emails to be seen at a more opportune time.

You may also move items out of your inbox and schedule them to reappear at a later date. Not only that, but you may send reminders to yourself to follow up on emails that have not been responded to.


What: The introduction of a new email strategy

Available: By changing your process

Cost: Free

If you are struggling to keep up with your email routine, try simplifying it by changing your email habits. Short email responses are the way to go. cuts out the fluff so you can get back to what’s important. The website has a policy where all email responses will be three sentences or shorter, no matter the recipient or subject. It’s really that easy.

If you’re concerned about the recipient’s reaction, include a link to your new email policy in your signature to ensure that no one is shocked by your change.

Don’t be concerned! If three sentences aren’t the best fit for you, try,, or instead.)

What additional email management tips do you employ to handle your schedule?

If you want to learn how to manage your email like a pro, ask [Charreah Jackson], Levo mentor and Relationships Editor at Essence Magazine!

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