The Trump Organization has been headed by Ivanka Trump for some time now, and she’s very specific in what she believes works—and doesn’t work—when it comes to getting the job. The team at interviewed her to get her thoughts on interviewing dos and don’ts.

1. How Can I Set My Resume Apart From the Stack?

“The most boring resumes are the ones that feel like they were written by a robot—the ones that fail to show any interests outside of work. Don’t be afraid to incorporate your personality and passions into your resume where appropriate.”

[Related: 6 Revealing Interview Questions You Should Always Be Prepared to Answer]

2. What Should I Wear? 

“First impressions matter. Think about the corporate culture and dress in a way that’s compatible. You should be confident and carry yourself with poise. If someone can’t pull themselves together for an interview, I have to wonder how they’ll manage to pull themselves together on the job.”

[Related: 7 Smart Questions To Ask When *You’re* Doing the Interviewing]

3. How Do I Stand Out in an Interview?

“Being prepared is incredibly important. I’m always surprised by ill-informed questions: things someone could find—and should have found—on our website. Know what you want; not necessarily where you’ll be in ten years, but know how your skills will benefit the company with which you’re interviewing. Take initiative and say, ‘I’m young and inexperienced, but XYZ experiences lead me to believe that I can add value to this position.’ Don’t leave it to the interviewer to build those connections, connect the dots for them.”

[Related: The 8 Most Impressive Questions You Can Ask in a Job Interview]

4. What’s Your #1 Pet Peeve When Interviewing?

“Do not be late. Arrive early. My father-in-law says that the only excuse for being late is that you didn’t leave early enough. I hear so many people complain about traffic. My advice? Anticipate it and leave earlier.”

5. When and How Should I Follow Up Post-interview?

There is a right time and way to follow up after an interview.

“Same day with a handwritten thank you note. If you can drop it off yourself, even better.”

This article was originally published on Ivanka Trump.

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