There’s nothing quite like the euphoria of achieving a career milestone – be it clinching that promotion, authoring a book, or launching your enterprise. Perhaps you celebrated your success with a celebratory dinner, spread the word to those close to you, and shared it on social media for all the world to see! After the elation of success, many people feel overwhelmed with nervousness and doubt – a “success hangover” if that’s what you’d like to call it. Doubts of self-doubt permeated my mind, like “Am I up to the task of this new role?”, “How will this affect my lifestyle?” and most importantly: “Do I actually deserve this job or was it simply a matter of luck that got me here?”.

According to Dr. Shelley Reciniello, an expert corporate psychologist and executive coach who wrote The Conscious Leader, post-career success anxiety is a sensation that many individuals experience. “When we get into the limelight, that stuff comes right up to the surface,” She declares. “We have to understand that some fear is normal. We must remind ourselves who we are … [and that] we do know how to succeed.”

[Related: A Science-Backed, 21-Day Program to Be Happier, Healthier, and More Successful in 2016]

Women are especially prone to subconsciously assuming that their career advancements were simply a result of luck. “I try to get [them] to see it was their talent and intellect. It was more than just hard work or luck,” According to Reciniello,

Here, Reciniello provides three pieces of advice for reminding yourself that you can do it – because deep down, you know you have the power!

1. Invite feedback and remain receptive to it.

The iconic Ed Koch, the former Mayor of New York City, was renowned for his signature phrase: “How’m I doing?” According to Reciniello, soliciting feedback in the workplace is essential., By taking a cue from Koch, you can gain greater insight into your strengths and areas of improvement which will ultimately help to reduce anxiety. “Be open to growing and changing,” she says. “Then your ego won’t get in the way.”

[Related: Constructive Criticism: Six Strategies for Receiving and Processing Feedback]

2. Make a conscious effort to connect with yourself daily.

On top of consistently seeking input from others, Commence every morning with a positive mantra to be certain that your work exemplifies both your professional mission and individual aspirations. “Be curious and hell-bent on sticking to the company’s mission and how you contribute to that,” According to Reciniello, Safeguarding your career from self-sabotage is a must, especially if you find yourself exhibiting detrimental behaviors soon after achieving success. According to Reciniello, it’s essential to consider questions like…“What baggage do I have from the past, and how do I make sure it doesn’t get in the way of my success now?”

[Related: 11 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Own Success]

3. Confront your fear through meditation.

Utilize mindfulness to expand your understanding of yourself and build self-assurance. “Love yourself for what you do and what you try to do,” According to Reciniello, Ignite your meditation by engaging in self-talk. “I love that I’m trying and I’m growing. I love that I have the energy and strength to help me be the best I can be.” If you are concerned that accomplishing your goals will come with a cost to the relationships in your life, repeat this mantra to yourself: “Loving others is an important piece of my success.” Elevate your meditation with vivid imagery, such as picturing yourself sprouting wings! “The meditation is about getting to the place where you can see the truth of who you are, and it doesn’t scare you,” According to Reciniello,

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Photo: Ezra Bailey / Getty Images

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