“Do you have any questions for me?” will most likely be the last question you’ll hear at the end of an interview. This can give you a chance to show that you’re interested in getting this job. Asking the right questions shows to an interviewer that you are thoughtful and enthusiastic. Interviews can also serve as a two-way street, giving you the opportunity to find out if this company is right for you.

1. Can you tell me about your experience at the company?

This is a good question because people love to talk about themselves, which will make your hiring manager think positively of you. Additionally, brain scan studies have discovered that talking about ourselves activates the parts of the brain stimulated by food, sex and drugs. It’s always a good idea to get interviewers to talk about themselves and find out more about the company, their values and company culture. You can also ask questions like, “What do you like most about working here?” or “What has kept you at the company for so long?”

2. Why is this position available?

This position may have been recently created, or the person with this job title may have left for another company or a different role at your company. This can help you get an idea of how much responsibility you will be expected to take on with this title. If the person was promoted, this can show mobility and growth potential within the company. If the person left, this can show lack of growth opportunities within the company.
For brand new roles, especially if they were just created, you may be expected to start working right away to handle the workload. This means you’ll have less guidance, as it’s likely this position is a brand new undertaking for them as well. When considering your potential role, don’t forget to prepare the questions to ask the interviewer that will help you gain insights into the job and the company’s growth prospects.

3. What are some challenges the team is facing, and how do you hope the new hire will help in those obstacles?

This question shows that you’re serious about taking on a tough challenge and will get the interviewer talking about the role requirements. This will also allow you the opportunity to see where the company is with their growth and what great skills or experience might be required for this position. You’ll also have a sense of current happenings within your team.

4. Other than learning the ropes, what should be my top focus for the first few months?

You’re not just asking what they’re looking for in a candidate. We can see that on the job listing. You’re asking them what they hope the new employee will accomplish at the start of the job. This shows that you’re passionate about your work and whether the company might be the perfect fit for you.

If you receive an offer and decide to take it, the interviewer’s response will help outline a game plan for the first few months that will be impressive with your new employer. Don’t forget to consider what to ask in an interview to set a strong foundation for your new role.

5. How would you describe the company culture?

It’s a great question to ask, as it shows your promotional attitude. You can also get a sense of how you might adapt to the working environment before accepting the offer.

6. From what I’ve read, you’re working on a new venture X or putting more focus on Y. [Insert specific question about X or Y.]

This shows that you care and want to get involved. You will also learn more about the company and see if it’s heading in the same direction as what you’re looking for. And if you have no information on the company, try asking questions to ask the interviewer about projects they are working on and goals that they wish to realize in the upcoming year.

7. [Insert your own unique question.]

You should never just repeat the questions you find on this list or other lists you find online. Come up with your own question based on the answers given by your interviewer. This shows how finely tuned your brain is and that you’re very observant. This is a great trait for employees to have, who are in an environment where the workday can sometimes be demanding. Asking questions specific to your conversation with the interviewer is important. You should be listening intently throughout the interview and planning question topics that are relevant to what was just said.

And finally, make sure to ask your interviewer what questions to ask in interview and what the next steps are, and if you can expect feedback following the interview. If you leave an interview without getting clear answers to your questions it’s good practice to send a thank you email with your follow-up questions.

Need more help on your job search? Find out how to answer these 15 common interview questions.

This was originally posted on POPSUGAR.

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